BMW Group

Collaboration in the Post Covid World (Part 3)

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Comprehensive Conferencing 

As companies update and construct more conference rooms to fit hybrid staff, AV/IT managers are looking for solutions that are simple to install, maintain, track, and, most importantly, easy to utilize.

Many black boxes are being replaced by today's "all-in-one" solutions, which include everything from presentation and videoconferencing systems to portable room control and displays with built in advanced features. 

Automotive Brand Communication Upgrades

BMW Group collaborated with Intel to develop a new unified wireless conference system based on the Intel Unite solution to address issues with equipment connection, setup, and maintenance in conventional conference rooms. This new system allows attendees to dial in without the burden of dealing with cable connections, complex applications and driver installations, eliminating the need for IT support and lowering the system's Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Conferences are able to start faster with Intel Unite, taking just a few seconds instead of 10-20 minutes and participants can easily chime in, exchange feedback, and switch presenters with a single click during any virtual meeting. It also offers increased protection, with shared information completely encrypted using a TLS protocol and a revolving PIN code.

The IT infrastructure team at BMW Group weighed in on the collaboration with Intel, saying, “The efficient and smooth conference experience has helped us improve communication and sharing efficiency both internally and externally and has ensured that our company remains competitive. The Intel Unite solution offers a consistent, smooth, and secure conference experience, and provides extensive support for more intelligent services. It helps us to enhance conference efficiency and enrich the user experience. Our employees have welcomed it happily.” 

BMW Group and Intel are also looking to add more features - future projects will include incorporating Unite and the meeting room booking feature, as well as integrating with other information systems such as internal communications to broadcast audio files, videos, photographs, and other promotional material to displays.


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